our products
Inline Screen Cleaning & Reclaiming Systems and Special Cutters
1. TC132-3
We are proud to introduce you to the 4th generation of the INPRO Tigerclean automatic screen cleaning and reclaiming systems after over 25 years of manufacturing INPRO high-quality machine solutions.

2. TC Combi eco
In the proces of preparing the screens for and after production the reclaiming of the screens , all screens must be rinsed with water . This rinsing of the screens is the most time consuming and dangerous part to do.
3. Fully modular systems
Next to the 2 standard machines : The TC132-3 and the Combi-Eco , we offer modular in-line fully automatic machine configurations for automizing your pre- and postpress processes for all different applications.

4. special cutters
The perfect companion product for all high-production Large Format Special Cutters wide-format and XXL printers including HPTM, AgfaTM, FujiTM, EFI VutekTM, DurstTM and many others.